Selasa, 26 Juli 2011

How To Learn Batch Programming Fast And Easy

Batch Programming is extremely helpful if you want to automate small tasks, Batch programming is though only restricted to windows platform but it has lots of other uses and the best part is that it's very easy as compared to other programming languages, While browsing on google for batch programming related e-books I came across a fantastic book which teaches batch programming from the very beginning to advanced level, The book is named as "Batch file programming" and is one of the very comprehensive books on batch programming i ever read.

What are batch files?

Before you jump and download this e-book, I would like to give a short introduction of batch programming, Batch files are basically composed of sequence of DOS commands, Batch files can be easily identified by a .bat extension.

Batch File Programming Can Help You Accomplish the following Attacks

  • DNS Poisoning
  • Packet flooders
  • Dictionary attacks
  • Virus Creation
  • Disabling of logs

Minggu, 24 Juli 2011

How To Use A Keylogger Inside Metasploit Using Meterpreter?

Well, I have made lots of posts on keylogging indeed I have dedicated a whole book to this topic "An Introduction To keyloggers, RATS And Malware" which is available as a free download, Now If you are a regular reader of this blog the chances are very less that you might not know about keyloggers as I have written about it over and over agai. However in this post I will guide you simple ways to use a keylogger inside Meteasploit once you have opened up a meterpreter session with victims computer.  For those of you who don't know what metasploit is kindly refer the post "Metasploit For Beginners Explained"

What is a Meterpreter?

Basically a meterpeter is a simple type of interface which helps us in compltety automating the exploitation process. If you would like to learn furthur about meterpreter kindly do a google search.


  • Metasploit Framework
  • BackTrack 5
  • A Meterpreter session opened on a box
How To Use A Keylogger Inside Metasploit Using Meterpreter?

In this case I am using metasploit framework from backtrack 5, Backtrack 5 is an awesome linux distro which is specially dedicated to hackers and penetration testers, I have used Social Engineering Toolkit to utilize a browser autopwn in order to open up a meterpreter session on the victims computer.

Step 1 -  Before we start the keylogger and start capturing logs, we would need to migrate explorer.exe process as we don't want the our exploit to get closed, In order to migrate the process we would need the PID of the process, In order to get the PID type "PS" on the command line.

Step 2 - Once you know the exact process PID type "Migrate" command along with with the PID so incase if the PID is 1372, you will type "Migrate 1372"

Step 3 - Now just type "Keyscan_start" to start the keylogger.

Step 4 - Now just sit back and relax, In order to harvest keystores all you need to do is type the "Keyscan_dump" command.

I have you have liked this post and learned some thing new today, If you would like to re-publish this article on your website/blog make sure that you give a proper credit.

Sabtu, 16 Juli 2011

Cara mempercepat kinerja Firefox

Firefox, siapa yang tidak kenal dengan browser rubah api ini sejak di perkenalkan sejak 9 November 2004 (version 1.0) browser ini menarik perhatian banyak netter yang sudah bosan dengan tampilan dan keamanan browser bawaan Microsoft Windows alias Internet Explorer (IE). Mozilla Firefox atau yang lebih dikenal Firefox saja punya kelebihan diantaranya kecepatan kinerja browser yang satu ini dapat kita tingkatkan menjadi maksimal sehingga waktu me-load sebuah halaman situs akan lebih cepat dari biasanya.

Ada beberapa cara untuk meningkatkan kinerja Firefox :

1. Atur secara manual pada config Browser Firefox

Untuk melakukan cofig tersebut cukup kita lakuakn dengan mengetikkan "about:config" pada address bar dan tekan return.
Setelah tampil halaman config cari ke bawah untuk mencari konfigurasi - konfigurasi dengan nama berikut:


Lalu rubah ke 3 entri config tersebut menjadi:

Set "network.http.pipelining" menjadi "true"
Set "network.http.proxy.pipelining" menjadi "true"
Set "network.http.pipelining.maxrequests" menjadi 30, yang berarti ia akan melakukan 30 request pada satu situs dalam satu waktu.

Dan yang terakhir, klik kanan dimanapun pada halaman di Firefox kemudian pilih New-> Integer. Namai "nglayout.initialpaint.delay" dan set value menjadi "0".